Hotline Phone Numbers

Domestic Violence Hotline:
800.621.HOPE (4673)

Crime Victims Hotline:
866.689.HELP (4357)

Rape & Sexual Assault Hotline:

TDD phone number for all hotlines:
1. I have the right to be treated with respect and not criticized. 

 2. I have the right to have a partner who values me for me, encourages me, and wants the best for me.

 3. I have the right to be safe. 

 4. I have the right to maintain my own body, feelings, property, opinions, boundaries, and privacy. 

 5. I have the right to be listened to seriously.

 6. I have the right to disagree, assert myself respectfully, and say "no" without feeling guilty. 

 7. I have the right to not be abused: physically, emotionally, sexually. 

 8. I have the right to keep my relationships with friends and family. 

 9. I have the right to have my needs be as important as my partner’s needs and not be my partner’s
     property or servant. 

10. I have the right to have a partner who gives as much to me as I give to him/her. 

11. I have the right to decide how much time I want to spend with my partner. 

12. I have the right to pay my own way. 

13. I have the right to not take responsibility for my partner’s behavior, choices, mistakes, and any acts of

14. I have the right to set my own priorities, make my own decisions, and grow uniquely as an individual.

15. I have the right to fall out of love or leave any relationship. 


Dating Bill of Rights